Have you ever sailed across the ocean? On a sailboat surrounded by sea with no land at sight? Without even the possibility of sighting land for days to come? To stand at the helm of your destiny.
I want that one more time….
I want to be in the Piazza del Campo in Siena to feel the surge as 10 racehorses go thundering by.
I want another meal in Paris at L’Ambroisie in the Place des Vosges.
I want another bottle of wine, and then another. I want the warmth of a woman in a cool set of sheets.
One more night of Jazz at the Vanguard, I want to stand at the summits and smoke Cubans and feel the sun on my face for as long as I can.
Walk on the wall again.
Climb the tower, ride the river, stare at the frescos.
I wanna sit in the garden to read one more good book.
Most of all I wanna sleep. I wanna sleep like I slept when I was a boy. Give me that. Just one more time.