Intent of being Convinced

Intent of being Convinced

The Power of Active Listening: Listening to Understand and Be Convinced Active listening is a cornerstone of effective communication, yet it is often overlooked in favor of simply hearing what someone is saying. At its core, active listening is about engaging fully...
Love and Tolerance

Love and Tolerance

Ever felt like life’s simplest lessons are also the most profound? Love and tolerance—it sounds straightforward, doesn’t it? But living by them is another story. When practiced deeply, they become a game-changer, not just for your own spiritual growth but for the way...
One More Time

One More Time

Have you ever sailed across the ocean? On a sailboat surrounded by sea with no land at sight? Without even the possibility of sighting land for days to come? To stand at the helm of your destiny.  I want that one more time…. I want to be in the Piazza del Campo...